"etoy.CORPORATION is all about sharing: knowledge, skills, risk, excitement, resources, social networks, art, technology and cultural profits. etoy goes where traditional artists, companies and individuals cannot afford to go. etoy / aka etoy.CORPORATION - founded in 1994 - is known for its pioneering role in internet art
(etoy.INTERNET-TANK-SYSTEM /, 1995), controversial operations like the digital hijack (1,5 million search engine users kidnapped in 1996), the domain name battle TOYWAR with (an American multi billion dollar company that tried to take over the domain name in 1999) or the etoy. TANKS (mobile studio and exhibition units built in standard shipping containers). etoy twists artistic production and appearance in a world dominated by ambivalent parameters: mass production and consumption of information and goods, global transportation, branding, maximization of profits, growing complexity, technological penetration of life and virtualization.
etoy is incorporated as a privately held shareholder company to replace the traditional concept of the genius artist with a brand that is owned, controlled and fed by hundreds of stakeholders: 25 etoy.AGENTS, a few investors, art collectors and many fans."
Launch project