More history of the domain

net-art98 (using the url was the first online 'web specific art' competition for which prizes were decided by online open public voting. The web specific art competition, started in September at isea98: the ninth international symposium on electronic art and finishes December 98.
Encouraging the explosion of creativity and communication across continents. Once voters were registered with the net-art98 database, they were able to return on subsequent visits, choose to see only competing sites they haven't previously visited, amend their previous vote (voting only for sites they have visited).
net-art98 was being run in cooperation with Department of Fine Arts, Manchester Metropolitan University, organizers of ISEA98TERROR net-art98, funders included Manchester City Council
See the homepage net art98 competions page on The
Here you can see the result page of the competition (unfortunately the actual list page is not available)
- SuperBad (152 points)
- Agatha Appears, Olia Lialina (143 points)
- %20150-8859-1 Jodi ( 131 points)
- 016OK, David Opp (89 points)
Read more: An interview by Josephine Bosma with initiator Andre Forbes (nettime)
The website in now curated by Pim Peterse